❉ bay birds ❉
St. Joseph Bay attracts a lot of birds. Some transients and some permanent. Like the general population of the area. The St. Joseph Bay area is a major forage area for migratory birds during spring and fall migration. Lots of visitors. Some birds of course make their home in Simmons Bayou year round.
The more notables include:
» Snowy plovers: Nest nearby on Cape San BlasĀ
» Bald eagles: Are soaring the sky or perched on tall pines
» Brown pelicans: Breed near Black's IslandĀ in the middle of St. Joseph Bay
» Caroline Wren: Prefer dense shrubbery and brush piles. Sometimes a cavity within trees or stump.
» Northern Mocking Bird: The most common backyard birds found in Florida. The northern mockingbird is Florida's official state bird. It imitates the songs of other birds and carries on about it constantly.
» Loon: Heavy diving birds with spear-shaped bills and webbed feet set far back on their bodies.
» Ibises, spoonbills and storks: Found in the wetlands and marshes of Simmons Bayou.
» Cormorants, anhingas: Waterbirds are often found throughout Simmons Bayou
» Herons, egrets: Long-legged and usually, long-necked, wading birds are common in the Simmons Bayou area.
» Vultures, hawks and allies: Occasional visitors
» Doves: Seed and fruit-eating land birds.
» Kingfishers: Are seen in fall, winter and spring. Find them at marshes, swamps, wet prairies and agricultural areas.
» The Pileated Woodpecker: A striking bird in appearance. It has a red crested head, white throat, and white stripe.
» Clapper Rails: Around here we call them Swamp Chickens. They prefer the marsh. They run through reeds and screech a lot.
» Fish crows: A common crow in these parts, they also screech a lot.
» Laughing Gulls: They visit frequently, they like to screech, or rather laugh a lot at the fish crows.
More Info: Bird Trail Guide, Audubon Bird Guide, and, Gulf County Backyard Birds
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